Arrangement – 14. desember 2021

Financing Nordic CO2 removal from waste

Tirsdag 14. desember,
kl. 10.00 – 12.30

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Arrangementet er gratis.

Skift og ZERO inviterer til et webinar om hvordan vi kan få til videre utvikling og bygging av CO2-fangstanlegg for avfallsforbrenning i Norden. 

Program for arrangementet:

  • 10.00 Welcome – Camilla Skriung Svendsen, Miljøstiftelsen ZERO
  • 10.10 Jo-Kristian Røttereng (Enova) – Background on the EU Innovation Fund, first round of allocations for CCS (4 projects, 1 in the Nordics)
  • 10.19 Jannicke G. Bjerkås (FOV) – The Norwegian CO2 capture project at Fortum Oslo Varme
  • 10.31 Nils Thor Rosted (ARC) – The Danish CO2 capture project at Amager Resource Center
  • 10.43 Fabian Levihn (SE) – The Swedish CO2 capture project at Stockholm Exergi
  • Pause
  • 11.03 Valentin Vandenbussche (Endrava) – CCS potential for waste to energy plants in the Nordics
  • 11.12 Tobias Johan Sørensen (Concito) – Status of CCS in Denmark
  • 11.24 Anne-Marit Post Melbye (ZERO) – «Innovative financing», CCS on waste incineration – a Norwegian perspective
  • 11.36 Svante Søderholm (Energimyndigheten) – The Swedish Support Scheme for Negative emissions – Bio-CCS a policy measure to achieve climate goals
  • 11. 43 Avslutning

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Emissions from waste incineration stands for approximately 5% of the global CO2 emissions. The Nordic countries have a common waste market and would benefit greatly from a joint approach and cooperation between the waste facilities planning to do CCS.

In this webinar we gather politicians, waste management companies and other relevant stakeholders from the Nordic countries to discuss what policy measures are needed to quickly scale up CO2 capture projects in the Nordics. The Nordic countries and the EU Innovation Fund have supported some CCS projects. Now we need to discuss further framework and business models making CCS on waste management profitable without public support.

Confirmed participants are among others Fortum Oslo Varme at Klemetsrud (NO), Stockholm Exergi (S), Amager Resource Center (ARC) (DK), Enova, Endrava and ZERO.

This webinar is hosted by ZERO and Skift as part of a collaboration between the Nordic business networks Hagainitiativet (SE), Climate Leadership Coalition (FIN) and Skift – Business Climate Leaders (NO). The project is supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
